How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Have you ever wondered how long dental implants, a popular tooth replacement option, can last? A dental implant is a permanent solution to tooth loss, lasting between 20 and 30 years! If you’re experiencing tooth loss and looking for a natural tooth replacement option, dental implants might be the answer for you. BOOK AN […]
Causes and Treatment Options for Cracked Teeth

Welcome to Dovehouse Dental, where we’re dedicated to bringing back your radiant smile and ensuring your comfort. Cracked teeth can be a real source of discomfort and concern, but worry not – we’ve got the expertise and treatments to address this issue effectively. CONTACT US Discover the causes and treatment options for […]
What to Do When You Have a Cracked Tooth: Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever experienced the sudden panic of cracking or splitting a tooth? If so, you may need to seek immediate dental treatment from emergency dentists who specialise in treating broken teeth and split teeth. It can be a traumatic situation, leaving you unsure of what steps to take next. In these situations, it’s important […]
Preventing Dental Fractures: Tips For Maintaining Strong Teeth

Are you concerned about the health of your teeth? Do you want to avoid dental extractions and maintain strong, healthy teeth through orthodontic treatment?