Data Policy

The categories of data we process are:

  • Personal data for the purposes of staff and self-employed team member management
  • Personal data for the purposes of possible future direct mail and email marketing
  • Special category data including health records for the purposes of the delivery of health care
  • Special category data including health records and details of DBS disclosures for managing employees and contracted team members
    We never pass personal details to a third party unless we have a contract for them to process data on our behalf and will otherwise keep it confidential. If we intend to refer a patient to another practitioner or to a secondary care setting such as a hospital, we will gain their permission before the referral is made and the personal data is shared.
  • Personal data is stored securely in the UK whether in digital or hard copy format.
  • Personal data is obtained when a patient, employee or contractor joins the practice, when a patient is referred to the practice and when a patient subscribes to an email list. At the present time, we will only use email to send appointment reminders to those who have requested this method of communication, or when responding to emails received at the Practice.
    The lawful basis for processing special category data such as patients’ and employees’ health data is:
  • Processing is necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine, for assessing the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or management of health or social care systems and services on the basis of Union or Member State law or a contract with a health professional
    The lawful basis of processing personal data such as name, address, email or phone number is:
  • Consent of the data subject
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract
    The retention period for special data in patient records is a minimum of 10 years and may be longer for complex records in order to meet our legal requirements. The retention period for staff records is 6 years. The retention periods for other personal data is 2 years after it was last processed. Details of other retention periods are available in the Record Retention procedure available from the practice.

You have the following personal data rights:

  • The right to be informed
  • The right of access
  • The right to rectification
  • The right to erasure (clinical records must be retained for a certain time period)
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object
    Further details of these rights are described in our Information Governance Procedures or on the Information Commissioner’s website. Here are some practical examples of your rights:
  • If you are a patient of the Practice, you have the right to withdraw consent for important notifications, newsletters, surveys or marketing. You can inform us to correct errors in your personal details or withdraw consent from communication methods such as telephone, email or text. You have the right to obtain a free copy of your patient records. This will be actioned within one month.
  • If you are not a patient of the practice you have the right to withdraw consent for processing personal data, to have a free copy of it within one month, to correct errors in it or to ask us to delete it. You can also withdraw consent from communication methods such as telephone, email or text.
    We have carried out a Privacy Impact Assessment and you can request a copy from the details below. The details of how we ensure security of personal data is in our Information Security Risk Assessment and Information Governance Procedures.

Confidentiality and GDPR

When you see your dentist a record of your care is kept. Your record includes personal information such as your name, address, contact details and date of birth. Your record also contains sensitive information about your health, including appointments, conditions, treatments and test results.

Your records are used to make sure that the staff caring for you have accurate, up-to-date information to help them decide the best possible care and treatment for you. Everyone working for our practice has a legal duty to maintain the highest level of confidentiality. All staff are instructed on handling information confidentially. Your information will be stored, managed and used with the greatest possible care.

Clients' Testimonials

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